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Staying Connected

One of my projects during this time of sheltering in place is organizing all of my digital photos. Actually, I started this work during Thanksgiving week 2019. I bought a new scanner and spent several days scanning in old photos, intending to give my kids a digital surprise for Christmas. Instead, the project was interrupted when I had an arrhythmic storm (or electrical storm) in December – repeated episodes of vfib with my heart device (Fiona!) firing to bring my heart back to a normal rhythm. 

Well into my recovery now, it is already April, and here again I sit, trying to bring some order to the hundreds of photos on my computer, glimpses into my life over the past (almost) 60 years. My progress is often slowed because as I sort the photos, I want to pause and reflect, remember and enjoy those times past. The photos I especially can’t stop looking at are the wedding pictures for my kids. Tina and Jessica had a beautiful summer wedding in the mountains near Leavenworth in September 2017, just a year after my first cardiac arrest. Andreas and Greta had an elegant winter wedding in Minneapolis in December 2019, just four days before my most recent heart event. I’m grateful beyond measure that I was able to be there for those joyous occasions, celebrating their future lives together and enjoying the presence of so many of our family and friends gathered with us. 

In this time of sheltering in place and physical separation, one might think that these photos would bring a measure of sadness, but I find my reaction to be quite the opposite. These photos bring me joy and appreciation for our connections with family and friends, as well as strength and hope that we can continue to nurture the richness of these connections now via FaceTime chats, Zoom bingo, shared photos, spaced walks, and eventually face-to-face gatherings. And our family is just one of many in Minnesota, across the country, and around the world. At a time when it can be easy to lose our sense of optimism, I feel encouraged just by the thought of all of the families and groups of friends who are finding creative ways to take care of one another and stay connected in the midst of this pandemic. 

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